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Hotel Palisad Zlatibor

Stopića cave

If you are looking for extraordinary locations which will make your vacation magical and adventurous, you will surely find it in the depths of the Stopića cave. This natural attraction is located on the northeastern side of the mountain Zlatibor, between villages Rožanstvo and Trnava, and it is only 19 kilometers away from the tourist center. Above the cave, there is a main road Zlatibor-Sirogojno, from which the road was made down to the entrance of the cave.

The cave got its name from the settlement Stopićithat belongs to the village Rožanstvo. Our great explorer and the creator of the scientific speleology Jovan Cvijić made first speleological researches in 1909 and 1913. Stopića cave is a river cave, through which Trnavski stream flows. It consists of three speleological and hydrological horizontals, covers the area of 7911.5 square meters and has the capacity of 120.000 cubic meters. The beginning of the magic of this cave starts with an entrance, on the right side of the river Prištavica, 18 meters tall. Limestone layer in the cave dates back to the Triassic period and it is thicker than 100 meters, while the climate in the cave is under influence of the exterior climate.

There are five areas in the cave: Shiny Hall, Dark Hall, Big Hall with pools, Canal with pools and River Canal. Part of the cave for tourist has some interesting elements, such as wide entrance, openings on the ceiling, `Dog Cemetery`, waterfall `The Spring of Life`, 10 meters tall, and a row of Karst pools. The Karst pools with their unique characteristic are the symbol of the cave, made by layering of Karst. Those are niches with the depth of 7 meters with stony walls on edges and in the Kars, wrinkles gather and then it flows downward from pool to pool or from cascade to cascade.

In the river canal there is a whirlpool, and under it, a bigger slide is formed, that moves to bigger cascades, between which are bigger basins and `giant pots`. Water goes down over the cascades making small streams, with the bigger quantity of the water, the unique waterfall is formed, 9.44 meters high. Because of the roaring sound of water, it is very hard to hear the person standing next to you. Foamy water descents downwards like falling from the sky, the air vibrates from the water drops, and the cold radiates from the wet walls, all this will surely produce chills up your spine. Contrary to the chills, waterfall was named `The Spring of Life`

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