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Hotel Palisad Zlatibor


Mačkat is situated on northeastern cliffs of Zlatibor on the passing to the valley of Užice. The Main road that goes through the village makes it easier for everyone to visit it. It is at an average altitude of 850 meters where Mediterranean and continental climate clash with the wind rose. These conditions are ideal for the production of the processed meat, and Mačkat is well known for it.


Even though the company “Zlatiborac”, leading company in the production of cured meat, is located in Zlatibor, people who stop by the village want to try and buy nonindustrial homemade products. These homemade products, as they say, have a special charm. Wishing to preserve their traditional production and show it to the world, people of Mačkat organize every January “Pršutijada” (Eng. Smoked ham festival), a cured meat products fair and competition. Tavern (Serb. Kafana) has always had a special importance in the society of Serbian people, and Mačkat is probably the capital of taverns of Serbia. The number of taverns per inhabitant is probably the largest in Serbia. Mačkat has been for many years a must visit place for numerous food lovers. 


One of the oldest Orthodox temples, the Church of the Holy Prophet Elijah, is located in Mačkat. Also, it is amazing that we can find a castle in the village as well. It was built by the Serbian warrior Ratko Šopalović. During the breakthrough of the Salonika Front, during the Battle of Kaymakchalan, he was shot in the head. He survived but lost his vision. It is said that Ratko touched and felt every stone that was built in the walls and he would correct builders so that the castle would look more like a building he saw somewhere in the Mediterranean before he lost his sight.

Hardworking and enterprising inhabitants of this village on ZlatiborMountain did not allow themselves to be caught up in the negative trends that have been affecting rural areas in our country. They developed their village, promoted it and made a “brand” out of it. Mačkat is today an example of how a village can become successful and famous, thanks to the effort and hard work. This is also confirmed by the fact, which is rare in Serbia, that the number of inhabitants in the village and the number of the newborn babies has been increasing constantly for years.Mačkat, as people say, is neither a village nor a town. The village is not scattered, so people have a sense of community, they trust each other and are very well organized for their needs.

This is a village that people do not leave, but come there and stay. Many young people stayed with their fathers and continued the tradition of curing ham that has been passed here for centuries from generation to generation.


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