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Hotel Palisad Zlatibor

Church in Mačkat

On the northeast hills of Zlatibor in a village Mačkat, at a height ofapproximately 850 meters, were continental and Mediterranean climate meet with the wind rose, there is one of the oldest churches of this area dedicated to Saint Ilija.

This place is famous for its authentic beauty, farming and production of the dry meat. It was erected on a cult place which is connected with people’s belief about expulsion of Bogomil by the young king Dušan. Between 1809 and 1858here was a log-built church until, and in 1859 a new church was built. Thanks to the political situation of that time, Mačkat was chosen for administrative center of Srez, it was the first place to get a church and a school in that area. This is single-naved building with half circle apsida on east side. During the reconstruction in 1934, the church bell was built on the west side of the church, and because of that, the old look of the church was changed. Facade of the church is painted in light purple color. Around whole building there is an arc, and facade is light purple color.

The church has in possession some of the valuable icons, taken from old log-built church in Cerovo (1810-1860): Saint Sava, Stefan the First-Crowned, The Holy Mother with Christ, Jesus Christ, Holy martyr George (in which there is a founder`s writing from 1809) and Archangel Michael. As for the antiquities there is a holy silver chalice, `Gift of queen Natalija to the church of Saint Ilija’. Painter Dimitrije Posniković painted iconostasis and pictures on the walls in the middle of 19th century. Every Sunday after the liturgy, there is gathering and rehearsals of the choir `Saint prophet Ilija` which was founded at the initiative of archpriest Rade on the celebration of 140 years of the existence of the church.

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